Monday, December 29, 2008

Twas the Night Before Christmas

We have a tradition in our home; Greg will read the story "Twas the Night Before Christmas" every year prior to the kids going to bed on Christmas eve. This year I think was the topper on the tree. We try to keep the magic alive and this year it was a struggle...... I will allow the photos to tell the story of our fading magic.

This is the first year of the tradition...

Nick is more interested in his picture being taken in this one...

The magic comes alive this year......

The anticipation grows.....

Still going strong....

Still have it......

We still have the magic... but it is fading....

Ok, Sarcasm is starting to creep in....they are laughing at the really old book that their father scribbled in when he was little.... ( we couldn't find our regular book that year.)

Then there is this year...... sniff, sniff... no magic....

Greg tries to get some interaction.....

and he keeps going until he gets a smile.......

Can you at least PRETEND like you are into it for ONE picture???

So as you can see... the magic of Santa has faded. We now create magic and fun in other ways in our home... like wrapping gifts in duct tape or in chains with a pad lock and going on a treasure hunt to find the key. :)

Greg and I laid in bed on Christmas eve reminiscing all the Christmas' with the kids. I teared up thinking of how grown up they are and how the number of Christmas Eve's are dwindling with them still asleep in their beds under our roof. We only have one more Christmas with Les before she is an adult. Where did all the time go? I cherish our photos and videos and thank God every Christmas eve for yet another year to spend with my family. It isn't until you lose someone you love that you realize how precious each holiday spent with family truly is.

There is a magic that will never fade in our home, and that is the magic of Jesus' birth. As Santa becomes a childhood memory Christ continues to shine even brighter each year through our kids.

For unto you a child is born......

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