Friday, December 5, 2008

I'll have a "flu" Christmas.....

Well, I guess all I can do is have Christmas spirit on my blog at the moment. We unfortunately have been plagued with an unexpected house guest this past week, Mr. Fluenza. Mr. Fluenza brought a nice basket of chills, fever and congestion to share with Greg, as well as a package of fever, vomiting, and well, you know... for me. I would have taken a picture of our guest to share with you, however he is a very ugly fellow and we try not to share him with our friends. Usually we encourage our guests to stay a while longer, however this guest can't leave fast enough. We are on the road to recovery after our 4-5 day visit and pray he doesn't return to visit our children. We will know within 6-8 days.

So, all I can do is update the blog and envision our Christmas tree aglow in our front room. We were able to get our Thanksgiving decorations down prior to our house guest arriving; therefore we are one step closer to holiday cheer in our home. .... but as Elf would say.... "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear." Can you hear me singing???? (be glad you can't) :)

We were able to take the kids to La Comedia dinner theater Wednesday night prior to my visit with Mr. Fluenza and it was a wonderful show. We saw Miracle on 34th Street. I had not been to La Comedia in YEARS and Greg and the kids had never been so it was a neat experience for all. The actors did a fantastic job and it was a very festive family outing to kick off what we call "Christmas Magic". Christmas Magic starts the first day in December and it requires us, as a family, to do something "Christmasy" ( I know that is not a word) every day of the month till Christmas morning. Now, something Christmasy could be something as grand as a dinner theater show or as simple as watching a Christmas movie or show on TV or DVD. I told you we were crazy, click here if you haven't read HOW crazy. We will visit Clifton Mill, Woodland Lights, The Christmas Ranch ( a MUST see if you have never been) and many more festive outings before Christmas morn. Twenty-five days is a long time so if you have any suggestions please feel free to let us know. :)


  1. Yea for you to jot your thoughts and show all your hard work in your picture-taking! I commend you blogger moms... I don't have the patience.
    And yes, the Christmas Ranch is a must and I have you to thank for my familys' fairly new Christmas tradition.
    Keep up the good work.

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  3. Well, I am glad you are better. For some reason, I never get the stomach thing. I think I have a cast iron stomach. I ALWAYS get wicked sore throats.

    Glad you're better! I gotta do the Christmas ranch this year!
