I have been telling my family for months now I think I am in the early stages of Alzheimer's. I seriously do. The kids think it is hilarious when they find house hold cleaners or lotion in the frig or milk placed on TOP of the refrigerator instead of inside. I on the other hand do not find it as entertaining. My most used phrase throughout the day is "please remind me to....".
Friends who love me and don't want to think the worst say "Oh, you just have a lot going on, that's all." Some friends tell me it is hormonal and it will get better. I am praying for the later but in the mean time I am writing myself notes, wrapping string around my finger and doing anything and everything to help me remember what it is I need to do.
Here is an example of a typical morning for me. I walk into the playroom to get something out of the pantry. Walking through the playroom I notice the rabbit is out of water. I walk back into the kitchen, fill up the water bottle and head back to the playroom. I replace the water bottle to notice the dog needs food. I feed the dog, then thinking my job in this room is done I walk back into the kitchen. I stand in the kitchen for a few minutes trying to think what it is I am supposed to be doing. Not remembering, I decide to go to the bedroom to get some dirty laundry. Once in the bedroom I notice I need to hang up some clothes and make the bed. I make the bed, hang up the clothes and head back out into the front room. Now, at least 20 minutes or more have passed and I STILL have not retrieved my item out of the pantry OR started the laundry. This can make for a very long day.
I then started to think.... "Maybe I am not forgetful, maybe I am crazy." How do other women do it???? How do OTHER moms keep from losing THEIR minds???? Then it came to me the other night while observing our family in all our glory... My whole FAMILY is crazy... not just me. :)
Now, before you start to judge me or think I am this ungrateful mother and wife let me say this.... I love my family, I love them more than life itself. I am a rather serious person...sometimes TOO serious. I do like to have fun and I enjoy a good laugh but not as much as I need to. God, I think, has a great sense of humor. Soooo, he blessed me with this incredibly funny man as my husband and then a little chip off the ol block as a son. They torment the ladies of the house relentlessly with their jokes. Nick found a little Fisher Price man a while ago and he spends his time trying to find places to hide him where I will find it and laugh. He hides him in my purse, shoes, pillows, washer machine... well you get the idea. He isn't even around when I find him, he just knows it will be funny.
Check out the video of my "flippy Nick".
Let me explain some of our craziness. We have weird sayings for things....... like the word "deets" means thank you. This is how Leslie used to say thanks when she was 2. Why do we still talk this way??? Crazy. Bread is a piece of "Nah"... we owe that one to Nick.
We see smiley faces on EVERYTHING! Our turkey was sitting on the counter yesterday and Les walked in and said "Hey look, the turkey has a smiley face on it". Sure enough... at that angle, the printing on the turkey looked just like a smiley face. Why????? Cause we are CRAZY!!! :) We see faces on cars, trees, clouds.. you name it... we see it. :)
Is it crazy to bring wild baby squirrels into your home??? Ummm... YES!
Here are a few more photos in my defense.......
Do you like the smell of electronics?
Who does this to their dog???
Who does this to their child....and then takes a picture?? :)
Ummmmm.....that is a crab hole!
Well,... a photo is worth a thousand words...
Well,... a photo is worth a thousand words...
I am so blessed to have such laughter in our home. It makes my heart swell to hear our kids say... "Man, I laughed so hard my stomach hurts". I pray we can continue to have great times of laughter. I have found as life goes on it is the times of laughter that get you through the times of tears. It is the memories you share with a person that lasts a lifetime. A loved one may leave this world but the memories you share, the laughter you share, will never leave your heart.
My motto when it comes to me, my family, and our craziness..... If you can't beat em... join em, and have the time of your life! :) I have learned I am not crazy ENOUGH...the crazier the better!
My motto when it comes to me, my family, and our craziness..... If you can't beat em... join em, and have the time of your life! :) I have learned I am not crazy ENOUGH...the crazier the better!